History of Computer

Babbage’s Analytic Engine (Charles Babbage)-1833
- Mechanical, digital, genral purpose
- Was crank-driven
- Could store instruction
- Could perform mathatical calculation
- Had ability to print
- Store data with Punch Card

ABC (Attansoff – Berry Computer) – 1939
- Develpoed y John Attansoff and Clifford Berry
- Based on Vacuum Tube
- Used first time binary numbers
- Electronic Computer

Harvard Mark 1 – 1943
- By Harvard Aiken
- Electro Mechanical Computer
- Slow
- Late Invented as ElectroMechanical Computer
- Not popular because Electronic era has been started.

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer )– 1946
- First Large Scale digital Electronic Computer
- Build by John Mauchly John Echert at Uni. Of Pennsylvania
- Developed for US Military
- Used 19000 Vacuum Tubes
- Area 9X80 feet
- Weight 30 tons
- Power Consumed 150 kilowatts

Univac 1 (UNIVersal Autmatic Computer) – 1951
- By Echert and MAuchly Computer Company
- 48 Machine were sold
- First Personal Computer
- Altair 8800 – 1975
- Micro Instruments Telemetry Systems
- Based on Intel Microprocessor -8080
- Memory- 256 bytes
- Input by switches
- Output by lamps

IBM Personal Computer (PC)
- Model: 5150
- Released: September 1981
- Price: US $1,565 ~ $3,000
- CPU: Intel 8088, 4.77MHz
- RAM: 16K, 640K max
- Display: 80 X 24 text
- Storage: dual 160KB 5.25-inch disk drives
- Ports: cassette & keyboard only5 internal expansion slots
- OS: PC-DOS v1.0

Apple Macintosh
- Model: M0001
- Introduced: January 1984
- Price: US$2495
- CPU: Motorola 68000, 7.83 Mhz
- RAM: 128K, later 512K
- Display: 9-inch monochrome screen512x342 pixels
- Ports: Two DB9 serial portsPrinter portExternal floppy port
- Storage: Internal 400K SSDD floppyoptional external floppy ($495)
- OS: Macintosh GUI(graphical user interface)