Hello World Program in Java

How to write, compile and run hello world program in java?

Step 1- Open Notepad

Step 2- Copy below code and paste it.

Step 3- Save file as class name. Ex: HelloWorld.java

Step 4- Open folder where source file (HelloWorld.java) exist

Step 5- Open command prompt and compile HelloWorld.java file.Ex: c:\>javac HelloWorld.java

Step 6- now run HelloWorld.class file see in folder if compiled successfully. Ex: c:\>java HelloWorld

Output will be : Hello World!

public class HelloWorld 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        System.out.println("Hello World!");


Hello World!
How to write, compile and run hello world program in java?
Open Notepad, Copy below code and paste it, Save file as class name. Ex: HelloWorld.java, Open folder where source file (HelloWorld.java) exist, Open command prompt and compile HelloWorld.java file.Ex: javac HelloWorld.java, now run HelloWorld.class file see in folder if compiled successfully. Ex: java HelloWorld

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