learn c language

Structure data type Program in C

Define a structure data type in C language

String Functions Program in C

WAP to implement strlen (), strcat (),strcpy () using the concept of Functions.

Sum of diagonal elements of a mxn matrix Program in C

WAP that finds the sum of diagonal elements of a mxn matrix.

Multiply two matrices Program in C

WAP to add and multiply two matrices of order nxn.

Bubble Sort Program in C

WAP to sort the elements of the array in ascending order using Bubble Sort technique.

Linear Search Program in C

WAP to search an element in a array using Linear Search.

Minimum and maximum element of the array Program in C

WAP to find the minimum and maximum element of the array.

Inputs two arrays and saves sum in a third array Program in C

WAP that inputs two arrays and saves sum of corresponding elements of these arrays in a third array and prints them.

Sum of array elements Program in C

WAP that simply takes elements of the array from the user and finds the sum of these elements.

Binary number into decimal number and vice versa Program in C

WAP to convert binary number into decimal number and vice versa.

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